when using the search feature, its a good idea to check your spelling for the subject word as well as set it to "all forums" and expand the date range. in this case, you could use emoticons or smiley or smileys as search terms.

imo, channels filled with tons of emoticons would annoy me to no end. i doubt ppl would limit themselves if they could just click an assortment of lil graemlins to toss into every sentence. there would certainly have to be some mode created to block the darn things so we wouldnt have to wade thru a bunch of yellow face thingies to figure out what the question was. not as bad as all the ascii art ppl used to toss about nonstop, but still window clutter. I get the message easily enough when someone does >:[ i dont need 14 big yellow mad making me reach for sunglasses

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet