But I'd like to see more awareness of what C++ really is, what it's strengths are, and what it's weaknesses are.

Then go get a C++ book.

Because not many people know enough alternatives to have a clue even about the language they do know.

The one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other. Maybe if you changed the expression a bit, it would make sense. Like "Because not many people know enough alternatives to have a clue about the superiority of those alternatives over their language in a certain section."

Let's just say that I think Delphi is entierly too low level as well.

As a matter of fact it would be as low level as C++. Umm, maybe a bit less. There are those nice TCPClient or IdTCPClient components that make socket handling, really easier.

C# would be a better choice in a number of ways

Okay now come the "religious" stuff:

1) I would NEVER use a M$ product. Only reason I boot Windows once in a while is because I haven't yet copied all my stuff in my Linux partition. So one reason I why I won't use C# is this.

2) I don't like rip-off languages. C# is a dumb C++ and Java rip-off that M$ made just to get more stuff in their rip-off collection.

3) And last but not least, I'd never use C# in a Linux enviroment. I have never programmed in C# (and I'm not planning to), and would never put such trash in my Linux partition.

EDIT: May I suppose you use Windows?

Last edited by cmad; 27/03/04 06:48 AM.

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