just any priv messages are sent to an alias for checking against the answer for the nickname.

its done that way so I can write effective test drivers and not have to rely on being only to receive text events.

your file of q+a is filled with lines like:
How many LEGS does a MONKEY have...^four
^ delimits the question and answer to be tokenized..

As for:
"This discriminates against bots", no, it discriminates against users by having a BOT give them the third degree, so you can prevent BOTS joining your channel, ironic?

The point is it stops malicious spam bots. If it so happens that anyone wants to run a bot; then they ask for some kind of automated password from the channel ops - it goes in the back way; not through the lobby.
There are plenty of loopholes open for LEGITIMATE bots that are about with PERMISSION of the people who run the channel.

"This discriminates against people who are dull-witted"... Have you ever been into any #sex or #teens room in your life?
<someguy> Wuz up I so cool it no funny
<someguy> Hahahaha he said 'msg'
... you can just tell that people like this aren't likely to provide interesting or amusing conversation.
These people also seem to (in my experience) be rather dull witted. Go ahead and randomly sample a room if you don't believe me; give them simple word puzzles and offer them some reward.

All too often I get this sort of thing:
<someguy> Hi want to chat?
<me> No.
<someguy> Are you there?
<me> *sigh*. Go away; there is nothing of interest here.
<someguy> Hi asl?
... with the other person seemingly UNABLE to take a damn hint. I don't know about you but if I can keep these people out; i'll do it in an instant.
And if I can do that by using their weaknesses against them; why not?

Anyway, we aren't asking them to calculate the value of PI to ten million places, we are asking them to answer a SIMPLE question.
Oh oH.
I feel a 'nerds made computers for nerds, not the rest of you' rant coming on.
I'll hit the button before I get more ranty.