Tell me if this would be too hard to impliment Khaled, but here's the plan...

Have an identifier, much like timer (kinda) that bascially would start a new thread and call the alias under that thread? Something like

/thread /somealias
alias somealias {
/echo -s This is a different thread
var %a = 0
while (%a < 1000) { /inc %a }
/echo -s This won't halt mirc from processing
var %a = 0
while (%a < 1000) { /inc %a }
/echo -s No matter what goes on inside of it.

I was thinking about my programs I've been playing with in C#, and the reference to a class method called by a thread occured to me. Im not sure on how easy/hard this would be to impliment, as I don't know how mIRC is setup. I do however think it would be a nice addition, and very useful. Especially for things like loading large lists into listboxes with loadbuf, or even $findfile, $finddir. Additionally, you could do multiple computations at once.

Again, I'd be interested on input.

(BTW, pardon grammer, its 3am here--fingers are fatigued >:P)
