There are work-arounds for most bugs. That said I don't see why this should not be corrected for the next version. I'm not necessarily in a hurry but to leave it out because some people say it can be worked around defeats the purpose of bug-fix releases entirely.

I am somewhat at odds over the issue of where people live though. All else being equal, it was stated here that people living north of the equator arn't affected by this particular bug. If that is the case I don't know why and it's not important really because whether it affects other people or not, I am affected just the same so it's perfectly legitimate for myself and others also affected to raise that point. From the two threads that outline this bug is it apparent that NSW, VIC, SA, TAS and NZ are where people are noticing the problem. If people are gunna start being snotty about 'Oh why isn't my country included in the thread' then that is the bit that cheapens the discussion. Your reply to Spaceboy is achieving what his posts did, only in reverse. Mind you, if you'd like to carry this on we can start a new thread on why an Englishman favours the US payments system for registration of an English-made software and favours US English over International English in modern mIRC labelling and scripting language. The choice is yours.

If I feel that improvisation is the solution to a problem caused by a software glitch I will do that well before I am required by others to do so. grin