daylight savings commenced for me in my state of Australia on the 5th October, and my computer made it's normal adjustment as I expected and so did mirc, just as it has all other years...... this was at 2am 5th October using version 6.03 ??? the probelm for me began on october 26th, which is when many other areas of the world adjusted their clocks, and that has never affected me and my computer before.....and I had upgraded to mirc 6.12 approx 24 hours earlier....... I have read where ppl have said to go alter other settings re daylight savings and BIOS etc, I use the computer, I do not feel I should have to go manually adjust MY computer for something that appears to be a problem within mirc, why did mirc have to change something that worked perfectly fine?? the program is used worldwide, so why must parts of the world now have to alter their computer settings to manually do something that can be and is programmed in ??