You yourself display it to some extent in your reaction to Watchdog, who was, after all, voicing his opinion.

Perhaps the problem lies in what people believe to be a valid and constructive opinion. “Since I hate whingers…” might be perfectly valid, but is not constructive. “Your post was stupid and lacks intelligence.” is neither valid nor constructive.

Without any limitations to validity, it might be my opinion that changing the law to accommodate eating babies would suppress overpopulation issues, which is quite ridiculous.

To this end the problem might be mine, since my own personal standards for validating an opinion requires significant introspection.

Forums, IRC, and indeed the world, are full of ppl who are pleasant(...)Sadly, its the less than pleasant sides of human nature that get our attention(...) the (happily) vast majority of posts display a far better side.

I agree

In my naivety, I honestly hoped that speaking openly and frankly on the matter might prompt at least one person to be a little more constructive.

Unfortunately it had the reverse effect. I promise to never speak out again. wink

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