I couldn't agree more. The reason probably is partly to do with human nature - people have different points of view about a topic, especially with something like mIRC which can expand out into many different branches of discussion. The recent mIRC version is an example.

Perhaps a longer browse of the Forums would show you however, that there are a number of good posts too - ones where people are being friendly, joking with each other and getting along in general, and those people who, as you point out, pride themselves on their own intellect, are in fact being social, even though IRC users are not exactly known for their affiliation with friendliness.

And in all my wisdom I will answer your question that was probably meant to be rhetorical - There are many places where people that share the same interests show each other equal amounts of disrespect. Look at football players when they get in a fight, or the government of many, if not all, countries. Even the average man on the street (man or woman to be politically correct) will get into brawls and fights with each other over mere disagreements about their hobbies which they share in common.

Anyway, I hope that you continue to gain amusement from these Forums, laughing's good for the soul wink

