While i certainly cant dispute that some threads display exactly the behavior you bemoan, that is not a trait that exists solely on forums. It is a less than pleasant side of many individuals that they carry over from IRL.

You yourself display it to some extent in your reaction to Watchdog, who was, after all, voicing his opinion.

Forums, IRC, and indeed the world, are full of ppl who are pleasant, polite regardless of provocation and, like many here, dedicated to helping their fellow man in one way or another. Sadly, its the less than pleasant sides of human nature that get our attention and seem to take pride of place in our interpretations of events. Take a stroll thru here and you will find that the (happily) vast majority of posts display a far better side.

WHY do ppl feel the need to show others disrespect? Admirable question, for which there is no answer. Might also ask why do so many ppl volunteer their time to help others. Its a part of their nature. No more, no less.

I for one could do with a lot less venom (and one word replies meant to be insulting *ahem*) and a lot more courtesy, but i'm realistic. Within any group there is bound to be someone who at some point will exhibit traits we could all do without.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet