I did debug and joined a server with operserv on my watch list here it is
- :irc.adultchat.ws 604 Static OperServ services adulthcat.ws 1064612052 :is online
<- :irc.adultchat.ws 604 Static OperServ2 services adulthcat.ws 1064612052 :is online
<- :irc.adultchat.ws 605 Static RootServ * * 0 :is offline
<- :irc.adultchat.ws 603 Static :You have 3 and are on 0 WATCH entries
<- :irc.adultchat.ws 606 Static :RootServ OperServ2 OperServ
<- :irc.adultchat.ws 607 Static :End of WATCH S
and yes thats just S not a cut-off
> irc.adultchat.ws WATCH C +OperServ +OperServ2 +RootServ S
Missed that there was a lot of crap for when I loaded

Last edited by MrPeepers; 27/09/03 01:18 PM.

In Virginia, chickens cannot lay eggs before 8:00 a.m., and must be done before 4:00 p.m.