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Posted By: NeXoR Notify List - 26/09/03 02:50 PM
well, i have posted this before but its like a year ago..anyway,
the idea was to make so when you add someone to your notify list you can specify the server you want it to be notified on, like, when im on 2 servers and i add someone on the 1st server, that nick can be a bot or something on the second server and that drives me nuts.. its so anoying so i hope this will be an update for the next version..last time i brought it up alot of people thought it was a great idea so...

Posted By: MrPeepers Re: Notify List - 26/09/03 02:58 PM
Sounds like a pretty good idea, cant think of a reason why I wouldnt like it.
Posted By: pheonix Re: Notify List - 26/09/03 03:13 PM
/notify <nick> <server>

on *:NOTIFY:{
if ($notify($nick).note == $server) { ... }
Posted By: cold Re: Notify List - 27/09/03 03:24 AM
Although this code would be a good workaround to display the proper info depending on a $server (I'd use $network, though), mIRC would still use WATCH for *everyone*. I see a potential flood in this..

I agree this built-in notify change would be great.
Posted By: MrPeepers Re: Notify List - 27/09/03 12:24 PM
Watch is used by the server not mirc, and this is lost on disconnect
Posted By: cold Re: Notify List - 27/09/03 12:40 PM
Hrm you didn't understand my point, I told pheonix that notifying everyone using the current notify system and allocating their server as <note> parameters would make mIRC send WATCH commands with all the nicks, including irrelevant ones, to all the networks it connects, instead of WATCHing only the relevant nicks for the network being connected.

Let's say I have Joe, Jack, Lisa and Julie in my notify list. Joe and Jack have "UnderNet" as notify note. Lisa and Julie have "EFNet" as notify note. So, the point here is that the scripted notify system would show only Joe and Jack on UnderNet and only Lisa and Julie on EFNet.
Ok, the system would display things as intended, but mIRC doesn't really know these people are separated. The WATCH command would look up for all of them on both networks. That would be fine for small notify lists, but some people have a lot of notified nicks in their list, me being one of them. I don't know how much flooded I'd be using this, but I'm sure it would lag me a little, so I believe having a straight built-in system instead would be the way to go.
Posted By: cold Re: Notify List - 27/09/03 12:44 PM
BTW is there any way to halt the WATCH command (having the notify list enabled, of course), any numeric raws mIRC catches to start sending it or something like that? I've never tried to override it.
If it's possible, then this could be a complete workaround, although I'd still want the better support to be built-in.
Posted By: MrPeepers Re: Notify List - 27/09/03 01:16 PM
I did debug and joined a server with operserv on my watch list here it is
- :irc.adultchat.ws 604 Static OperServ services adulthcat.ws 1064612052 :is online
<- :irc.adultchat.ws 604 Static OperServ2 services adulthcat.ws 1064612052 :is online
<- :irc.adultchat.ws 605 Static RootServ * * 0 :is offline
<- :irc.adultchat.ws 603 Static :You have 3 and are on 0 WATCH entries
<- :irc.adultchat.ws 606 Static :RootServ OperServ2 OperServ
<- :irc.adultchat.ws 607 Static :End of WATCH S
and yes thats just S not a cut-off
> irc.adultchat.ws WATCH C +OperServ +OperServ2 +RootServ S
Missed that there was a lot of crap for when I loaded
Posted By: cold Re: Notify List - 27/09/03 01:33 PM
Actually I wanted any numeric that could say "hey client, you can send WATCH now". But I've found it..

Watch support is now triggered by the WATCH= token in numeric 5,
not specifically associated with DALnet servers. Also, mIRC will only
request N WATCH nicks as indicated by WATCH=N, plus one extra nick to
trigger the "Maximum size for WATCH-list is N entries" message from
the server.

It seems it's not possible to override it, "raw 5:*:*:{ halt }" doesn't stop it from being sent.
Also, I forgot ISON would have to be overriden as well, for servers that don't support WATCH.. anyway..
Posted By: pheonix Re: Notify List - 27/09/03 02:39 PM
ah didnt think of that :tongue:
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