mirc interprets the text of scripts right?

So what ever the value name is %blah !blah &blah etc for what ever type of thing it is variable static constant, mirc would have to read that name then go look the value up somewhere, i cant see how any one would be much faster than another, i did some quick loop tests (see below) i made %i a var %i then i made it a set %i, var seemed o run a little faster, but where talking about 100 ticks at the best more
var %i = 100000 | while (%i > 0) { dec %i }
Did this 3 times heres the number of ticks each time 6985, 6922, 6957
set %i 100000 | while (%i > 0) { dec %i }
Did this 3 times heres the number of ticks each time 7023, 7081, 7019
one last test was this,
var %z = 0 | var %i = 100000 | while (%i > %z) { dec %i }
Did this 3 times heres the number of ticks each time 7103, 7099, 7134
Looks like using variables increases the time a script takes, which would be logical to me, as reading %z and finding its value of 0 takes longer than reading 0
Sets must take longer than Var as it must be adding it to some global list for storing to the remote.ini SET -u20 took a little longer again

So the fastest constants are real constant values ie the actual value...
You could be real rude, and during testing and debugging use a bunch of SETs and when all is ready to go, backup the script and do a search and replace on the constants replacing them with the constant value, as far as i know thats what compilers do (although seeing the stuff about C being able to change its constants who knwos) I know assembler compilers constants were just replaced with the constant value during compile