There would only be a performance difference in a compiled language, because it would compile the program differently by hardcoding that value into the software so it doesn't have to query a memory address each time it wants that value. It can even pre-calculate math formulas containing that constant, so it doesn't have to recalculate the formula each time. (eg: 0.6 is much faster than 3/5 or %const / 5)

In mIRC however, nothing is compiled and nothing is pre-calculated. Any constant would essentially be a read-only variable, accessing the memory address just as slowly as any other variable. To make such a variable read-only would simply cripple its full potential, offering absolutly no speed improvements. (unless significant changes were made to the script engine that would probably negativly impact many scripting methods)

That's why I offered the alternative terminology 'static variable'.

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!