My nick on IRC is OverDrive (obviously) and some people call me OD. I have various away modes i go into, all starting out with OD-Is-*busy*Away*Working* etc

I currently have this

On 1:TEXT:*:#: {
if ($findtok($remove($strip($1-),$chr(33),$chr(44),$chr(46),$chr(63),$chr(58),$chr(39),$chr(34),$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(60),$chr(62)),$me,1,32) isnum) {
if ($active != $chan) {
echo -a 01,08NICKNAME ALERT $chr(91) $+ $atime $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ $chan $+ $chr(93) < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
echo $chan 01,08NICKNAME ALERT $chr(91) $+ $atime $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ $chan $+ $chr(93) < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
else {
echo $active 01,08IN-CHANNEL ALERT $chr(91) $+ $atime $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ $chan $+ $chr(93) < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
if (OverDrive isin $1-) {
if ($active != $chan) {
echo -a 01,08OverDrive-ALERT $chr(91) $+ $chan $+ $chr(93) < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
echo $chan 01,08OverDrive-ALERT $chr(91) $+ $atime $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ $chan $+ $chr(93) < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
else {
echo $active 01,08OverDrive-ALERT $chr(91) $+ $atime $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ $chan $+ $chr(93) < $+ $nick $+ > $1-

if (OD isin $1-) {
;echo -a word $matchtok($1-,OD,1,32)
;echo -a lenght of word $len($matchtok($1-,OD,1,32))
echo -a $matchtok($1-,od,32)
if ($active != $chan) {
echo -a 01,00OD-ALERT $chr(91) $+ $atime $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ $chan $+ $chr(93) < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
echo $chan 01,00OD-ALERT $chr(91) $+ $atime $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ $chan $+ $chr(93) < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
else {
echo $active 01,00OD-ALERT $chr(91) $+ $atime $+ $chr(93) $chr(91) $+ $chan $+ $chr(93) < $+ $nick $+ > $1-

It works perfectly for the OverDrive and Nickname alert, but I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to fix the OD alert. OD is used in a lot of words, such as god and good, and a few others. What I'd like it to do is find the first word in the line that has OD in it, and if either an ' or s is right after.

I am not too good with $gettok and those commands and im trying to understand them and how to use them but i cant figure it out... that and the $right and $left and $mid.

Can someone help me please?