Ok, it took some time, but this works for me:

alias list.notifys { 
  [color:green]; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]
  [color:green]; This part reads the nick's statuses[/color]
  [color:green]; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]
  [color:green] [/color]
  [color:green]; set number of connections[/color]
  var %x = $scon(0) 
  [color:green]; loop through the connections[/color]
  while (%x) { 
    [color:green]; set active connection[/color]
    scon %x
    [color:green]; set number of notified nicks[/color]
    var %notify = $notify(0)
    [color:green]; loop through the nicks[/color]
    while (%notify) {
      [color:green]; if online, add to %onlineN (N = connection id)[/color]
      if ($notify(%notify).ison)  set $+(%,online,%x) $eval($+(%,online,%x),2) $notify(%notify)
     [color:green]; if not, add the user to %offline[/color]
      elseif (!$istok(%offline,$notify(%notify),32)) set %offline %offline $notify(%notify)
      dec %notify
    dec %x
  [color:green] [/color]
  [color:green]; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]
  [color:green]; This part displays the online nicks[/color]
  [color:green]; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]
  [color:green] [/color]
  [color:green]; set number of connections[/color]
  var %x = $scon(0) 
  [color:green]; loop through the connections[/color]
  while (%x) {
    [color:green]; set active connection[/color]
    scon %x
    echo -a online users on $scon(%x).network :
    [color:green]; set number of online nicks for this connection id[/color]
    var %y = $numtok($eval($+(%,online,%x),2),32)
    [color:green]; loop through the nicks[/color]
    while (%y) {
      [color:green]; display the nick[/color]
      echo -a $gettok($eval($+(%,online,%x),2),%y,32)
      [color:green]; if the nick is also listed in %offline, remove it[/color]
      if ($istok(%offline,$gettok($eval($+(%,online,%x),2),%y,32),32)) set %offline $remtok(%offline,$gettok($eval($+(%,online,%x),2),%y,32),1,32)
      dec %y
    dec %x
  [color:green] [/color]
  [color:green]; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]
  [color:green]; This part displays the offline nicks[/color]
  [color:green]; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]
  [color:green] [/color]
  echo -a offline users :
  [color:green]; set number of offline nicks[/color]
  var %y = $numtok(%offline,32)
  [color:green]; loop through the nicks[/color]
  while (%y) {
    [color:green]; display the nick[/color]
    echo -a $gettok(%offline,%y,32)
    dec %y
  [color:green]; clean up your mess[/color]
  unset %*line*

No doubt this isn't the cleanest version of the code, byt heck, it works.

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius