well the object of this is to make my own window docked on the left side of my mIRC showing each servers Online nicks and the remaining as Offline....just need steered in the right direction of how to delete a notify nick from say my hastable/ini file if the nick is online on another server im on ..now heres what i got:
alias list.notifys {
var %x = 1
while $scon(%x) {
scon %x
var %notify = 1
while ($notify(%notify)) {
if ($notify(%notify).ison) {
echo -s $server Online: $notify(%notify)
inc %notify
var %unotify = 1
while ($notify(%unotify)) {
if (!$notify(%unotify).ison) {
echo -s $server Offline: $notify(%unotify)
inc %unotify
inc %x
which will show in my status:
irc-m07.icq.aol.com Online: ChanServ
irc-m07.icq.aol.com Online: MemoServ
irc-m07.icq.aol.com Online: NickServ
irc-m07.icq.aol.com Online: |3|acK_Kn|G||T
irc-m07.icq.aol.com Offline: God
irc-m07.icq.aol.com Offline: Jason
irc-m07.icq.aol.com Offline: {Sweet-N-Sassy}

calvino.freenode.net Online: ChanServ
calvino.freenode.net Online: MemoServ
calvino.freenode.net Online: NickServ
calvino.freenode.net Online: |3|acK_Kn|G||T
calvino.freenode.net Offline: God
calvino.freenode.net Offline: Jason
calvino.freenode.net Offline: {Sweet-N-Sassy}

...now i need to combine the offlines and delete say one of the notifys if theres 2 showing as offline or if say theres one showing offline on one server and the notify is online on another...hope i didnt lose you yet..lol