Well yes it echoes the online/offline for each server im on to there status windows..but when it /hadds them itll list the online for the certain server and list offline all offlines for every server /hadd wont add info twice so im set there...heres what im getting in ircqnets status

Offline: God
Offline: Jason
Offline: {Sweet-N-Sassy}
irc-m04.icq.aol.com Online: ChanServ
irc-m04.icq.aol.com Online: MemoServ
irc-m04.icq.aol.com Online: NickServ
irc-m04.icq.aol.com Online: |3|acK_Kn|G||T

and in freenodes

Offline: God
Offline: {Sweet-N-Sassy}
Offline: |3|acK_Kn|G||T
sterling.freenode.net Online: ChanServ
sterling.freenode.net Online: Jason
sterling.freenode.net Online: MemoServ
sterling.freenode.net Online: NickServ

but in the hashtable all ill get for offline is God,Jason,{Sweet-N-Sassy},|3|acK_Kn|G||T

what i need to do now is delete the nick from offline hastable
if the nick is online for another server....and the code ya showed earlier i got errors with the elseif and a %NOTIFY1 and %NOTIFY2 error