As I already said, anybody has the ability to make your computer sound by sending you a /msg or /notice every few minutes. I'm sure you already /ignore people who do this.

Umm no, /msg would not do that because as long as I don't close the query window, it will never beep again, not so with ctrl+g, each time it is used, there comes another beep. As for /notice, I've yet (in the 5 years I've been using IRC) to have someone use a notice as a way of delivering spam. I'm sure people do it, but I've never seen it. I have seen people use a notice as a flood, but usually, a simple /ignore isn't enough to stop it anyway due to the number of clones/proxies/drones used to send the flood. So you're right, /notice could be used to beep. But now imagine,
/notice yournick dslkjdsadwsewrsshjfhdsjfhdhfdsjfhsfdh
being sent by 500 different bots to flood you. 3 bel's would hardly be enough to be considered enough to strip, yet when you have 3 + the inital beep for a notice * 500 bots, well now you have a lot of beeping going on.

I've never personally said "man I wish there was some way I could make that guy's computer beep so that I could get his attention." I'm one of those people who, if I'm not paying attention to you, it's not because I just happened to turn away, it's because I either don't want to be bothered, or I don't want to talk to you, not because I'm just waiting for you to do something to get my attention. And from most people I know on IRC, they seem to have this same attitude.