ok, if i put:
alias anmp3 {
if ($insong == $true) { splay stop }
if (%mp3dir == $null) { echo -a 4,1Devils Mp3,8 Dir not set }
else { devilsmp3 }
if ($insong == $true) {
var %Devilmp3 = 4,1Devils Mp3,8! $+ $me $remove($nopath($insong.fname),.mp3) 12Is -->9 $len Long
msg # %Devilmp3
.ctcp # MP3 $nopath($insong.fname)

alias devilsmp3 {
set %r1 $findfile(%mp3dir,*.mp?,0)
set %r2 $rand(1,%r1)
set %mp31 $findfile(%mp3dir,*.mp?,%r2)
set %mp32 $nopath(%mp31) | set %mp32 $remove(%mp32,.mp3)
splay %mp31
will that stop the msg going to the chan?(the red bit)

Liek OMG Yuo Stoleded my MageHurtzzzz!!!11