I think turtle's point is, he wants to send messages to people who are completely uninterested in reading messages from him. Channels defeat the whole purpose of catching someone off guard, and it is usually difficult to attain 100% of a user's undivided attention in a #channel... where as a private message means that You and You Alone are that person's central focus of thought.

The whole point of a #channel is that users get to Opt-In by /joining them and Opt-Out by /parting them, where as private messages are unavoidable and forced upon a user (See turtle's: "drag & drop")... leaving them only with /ignore as a last resort. Turtle is obviously the type of person who can't get along with people long enough for them to hang around a channel with him.

turtle, try some real social skills instead of dragging and dropping people.

This thread is deader than dead, you necrophiliacs.

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!