I have just released a beta that includes some changes to /langdll and the types of issues it detects in translated resources.

Looking through the current set of translations, it is interesting to see how different translators have translated certain words, especially acronyms and capitalized words. For example, where mIRC was using "Url", some translations show it as "URL" (which is what it should be). Plurals have also been translated in different ways. Some translators have separated colons ":" from text, when they really should appear exactly as they do in the original English text, eg. "* /command:" has been translated as "* /command :" with a space before the colon. This can actually affect how a string is processed in some cases, so /langdll -d now reports this as an issue.

I have tried to keep the number of changes to the resources in the beta as minimal as possible. You can see the differences between mIRC v7.77 and the current beta by running the beta and then typing:

//langdll -d mirc777.exe $mircexe

Where mirc777.exe is the release version of v7.77.

A translator can also check their DLL for errors by typing:

//langdll -d mirc777.exe mirc-your-dll.dll
//langdll -d mirc-your-dll.dll $mircexe (when running the beta)

(The /langdll command parameters are /langdll -d oldversion newversion)

Any issues will be highlighted in red and prefixed with the word ""Error:".

Hopefully, we will iron out teething issues like the above over the next few releases, update/simplify resource strings to make their context clearer, and improve /langdll -d to cover more issues that translators need to look out for to make the translation process smoother.