Originally Posted by Epic
If you want the script to send messages not through the service bot, but directly through the mIRC bot, then change 2 lines in the code with the commands "bs say" to "msg".

After the change, the code script will look like this:
on *:TEXT:*:#channel:{
  if ($nick == ServiceBot) { return }
  if ($nick isop $chan && $1 === !ON) { bot_stop | bot_start $chan }
  elseif ($nick isop $chan && $1 === !OFF) { bot_stop }
  else { bot_stop | .timerBOTSTART 1 1800 bot_start $unsafe($chan) }
alias -l bot_start {
  msg $1 Va beh...nessuno parla allora parlo io...
  rand_msg $1 | .timerRANDMSG 0 60 rand_msg $unsafe($1)
alias -l bot_stop { .timerBOTSTART off | .timerRANDMSG off }
alias -l rand_msg {
  var %colors 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
  var %rc $gettok(%colors,$rand(1,$numtok(%colors,44)),44)
  msg $1 $+(,%rc,$read(addons\miefrasibot\frasibot.txt,nt),)

I have a .txt file with some messages (those are simply curiosity from the world), and set 1800 as timer (30 minutes). In spite I have more than 1000 "curiosity" , I noticed there're ripetitions, the same messages may come out 4 times ! And of course there're not repeat messages in .txt file.
How to avoid it?

Last edited by Fernet; 25/03/24 03:55 PM.