Originally Posted by Wims
Hey, $unsafe was used for a reason, whenever you are passing unknown data to timer's command you must use $unsafe to prevent double evaluation.
Both $chan and $1 are unknown in your timer's command.
You're also not preventing evaluation in your $read call with the n switch either, and it's good habit to use $read's 't' switch to prevent the first line from being interpreted incorrectly.
In this script there is no external influence and no transmission of any text data from outside by other users that this code could use, except for the user file that the author creates independently at his own responsibility. The passed identifiers $chan and $1 are known to the script. Therefore, there was no need to specify the additional $unsafe() identifier. However, thanks for reminding us about this and also to the new hooligans (hackers) about this vulnerability that can be present in any mIRC code.

Yes, of course, this can be added to the code so that everything is fine, we can sleep peacefully and the bot is safe in case of fire [Linked Image from i.ibb.co][Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

The only thing is that I didn’t pay attention to the absence of the necessary switches in $read(), because I automatically used the line created by the author of the post.

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