Originally Posted by Epic
Originally Posted by Fernet
So if I want the new Bot to talk as Fernet and not the BotService, (its nick on Mindforge is Fernet), I only need to change Controllore with Fernet?
Obviously, when you use the "BotServ" command, you are controlling a service bot that you have access to and that is pinned and located on your channel under a nickname that is known to you. I can’t know exactly what teams and what bot nicknames are on this network, because I'm not there. In the script, you need to change "ServiceBot" to the nickname of the service bot that is currently present on your channel. If you want to kick out this bot and invite another bot with a different nickname, then in the script you will also need to specify a different nickname for the service bot on the channel so that the script does not react to its messages and does not start a timer with a delay.

I won't use a ServiceBot. I set a script named FERNET with 7.75 and so, I wish to speak with that nick. As You suggested "Hmm... It’s not very clear why you use the Service Bot to send messages to the channel instead of your mIRC Bot doing it directly, because this complicates everything."
That's what I did:

on *:TEXT:*:#mychannel:{
  if ($nick == $me) { return }
  if ($nick isop $chan && $1 === !ON) { bot_stop | bot_start $chan }
  elseif ($nick isop $chan && $1 === !OFF) { bot_stop }
  else { bot_stop | .timerBOTSTART 1 600 bot_start $unsafe($chan) }
alias -l bot_start {
  /echo $chan  Va beh...nessuno parla allora parlo io...
  rand_msg $chan | .timerRANDMSG 0 600 rand_msg $unsafe($1)
alias -l bot_stop { .timerBOTSTART off | .timerRANDMSG off }
alias -l rand_msg {
  var %colors 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
  var %rc $gettok(%colors,$rand(1,$numtok(%colors,44)),44)
  /echo $chan  $+(,%rc,$read(addons\miefrasibot\frasibot.txt,nt),)