You can decide for yourself whether you should use line if ($nick == ServiceBot) { return } in this code or remove it. It helps the script not to react to messages in the channel from the service bot nick. You can also specify any other nick that the script should ignore. But there is no point in indicating the nick of the mIRC bot in which this script is installed.

The "msg #channel text" command sends messages to the specified channel and these messages will be seen by all users of this channel, including the owner of the mIRC bot.
In line "msg $1 text", the parameter $1 contains the value of your #channel name, which was passed as an argument to two aliases "bot_start" and "rand_msg".

Learn more about this here:

The script has been tested and works properly. All you need to do is save the script in a new script editor window in the "Remote" tab of your mIRC that you are using as a bot. For the test, you can reduce the timers to 10 secs.

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