There's no practical difference between letting someone have write access to one remote script file vs a different one. The only difference between remote.ini and additionalcommands.txt is that the former is the default filename used when there are no user-custom scripts loaded, and the fact that loading a script with filetype .ini causes mirc to write nNUMBER= prefix for each line of the file, which would make it a little more complicated to scan for string matches. That's why many users rename remote.ini to remote.mrc, which identifies something as a scriptfile while keeping the file a little bit smaller due to eliminating all those line prefixes

Also, you're doing things a little harder to read. Equivalents:

var %match $+(on,$chr(32),*,:,TEXT,:,!,$remove($2,$chr(33)),:,$chan,:)
var %match $+(on *:TEXT:!,$remove($2,$chr(33)),:,$chan,:)