So I've put this into the bot, and the bot still isn't removing the line. It doesn't break out of the command though
on *:TEXT:!removecommand *:#: {
  if ($nick != eggfriedcheese) { return }
  .msg # ! Removing command: $+ $chr(32) $+ $$2 $+ . Please Wait...
  var %match $+(!,$2,:,$chan,:)
  var %match $read(additionalcommands.txt,nts,%match)
  if (%match != $null) write -dl $+ $readn additionalcommands.txt
  if (%match = $null) .msg # Match Not Found
  .timer 1 2 .msg # The bot is reloading the command list, please wait...
  .timer 1 3 /reload -rs C:\Users\danie\AppData\Roaming\mIRC\additionalcommands.txt
  .timer 1 5 .msg # Command List Refreshed. Command: [ $+ [ $chr(32) $2 ] ] has been removed.

Is posting the following in the chat:

EggFriedCheese: !removecommand !egg1
EggBot_V1: ! Removing command: !egg1. Please Wait...
EggBot_V1: Match Not Found
EggBot_V1: The bot is reloading the command list, please wait...
EggBot_V1: Command List Refreshed. Command: !egg1 has been removed.

Last edited by EggFriedCheese; 03/06/22 04:06 PM.

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