Ok, thanks Epic and i'm waiting for your new code soon!

Can you edited a bit like this for me please?

[22:21:27] <@Kendy> ~b blank
[22:21:27] * ChanGuard sets mode: +b *!*@216.244.985E.38V9
[22:21:27] * blank was kicked from #lobby by ChanGuard ([Banned] (reason: You are no longer welcome here due to continual behavior problems) [id:UN15303])
[22:21:35] * ChatServ sets mode: +l 9
[22:21:37] * Kendy sets mode: -b *!*@216.244.985E.38V9
[22:21:43] * blank (DVQ@216.244.985E.38V9) joins #lobby
[22:21:44] * ChanGuard sets mode: +b *!*@216.244.985E.38V9
[22:21:44] * blank was kicked from #lobby by ChanGuard ([Banned] (reason: You are no longer welcome here due to continual behavior problems) [id:UN15303]) <== Have ")" after word problems

I want the result exactly like this:
[22:21:27] <@Kendy> ~b blank
[22:21:27] * ChanGuard sets mode: +b *!*@216.244.985E.38V9
[22:21:27] * blank was kicked from #lobby by ChanGuard ([Banned] (reason: You are no longer welcome here due to continual behavior problems [id:UN15303] - (for more information regarding your ban please contact nickname Kendy for removal)) <=== Don't have ")" after word problems
[22:21:35] * ChatServ sets mode: +l 9
[22:21:37] * Kendy sets mode: -b *!*@216.244.985E.38V9
[22:21:43] * blank (DVQ@216.244.985E.38V9) joins #lobby
[22:21:44] * ChanGuard sets mode: +b *!*@216.244.985E.38V9
[22:21:44] * blank was kicked from #lobby by ChanGuard ([Banned] (reason: You are no longer welcome here due to continual behavior problems [id:UN15303] - (for more information regarding your ban please contact nickname Kendy for removal))

NOTE: In file atb_reason.txt the reason don't have - (for more information regarding your ban please contact nickname Kendy for removal), only this:
You are no longer welcome here due to continual behavior problems
You are not welcome here
The Operator is always right

Last edited by Robert; 10/05/21 03:40 PM.