1. But how to deleted (removed) ban? I open atb_database.txt to remove the Ip in here, but i can't see any Ip.

It all depends on what path you specified to save data in the file. If you want the file to be in the root folder of the client together with all other executable files,
then specify the path in the variable as follows: "%atb_pathdb = $mircdir $+ atb_database.txt", or any other path to file. For example: "%atb_pathdb = C:\atb_database.txt".
I think that the removal of records will be much more convenient if the ban ID or nickname will be specified in the command to delete: "!b <nick|id> del" or "!bd <nick|id>".

2. [ID: NU4810] <=== Please change it to [id: numberOnly]

You can remove from the variable value "%atb_banid" multiple identifiers for creating random alphabet letters: "$rand(A,Z),$rand(A,Z)":
var %atb_banid $+([ID:,$chr(32),$rand(1000,9999),])

3. I creat atb_reason.txt and put some reasons on it (1 reason per line) but MyBot doesn't kick with random reason

The same as in the first question. Probably you did not correctly indicate the path in the variable "%atb_reason" where your file is.

4. Can you remove the icon in front of the reason for the kick? (☠ 🔨)

Yes, you can simply delete them all or vice versa, add other badges, but necessarily through the comma: "%atb_icons = 😁,😇,😈" or leave dash, or space "%atb_icons = -".
Note: This variable should be used only for the icons (emoji). If you want to add to the message for kick some add static text,
then you can create new variables with any name in alias "atb_set" then you can insert this variable in the string ".kick $1 $2 %atb_i %atb_text1 %atb_r $3-":
alias atb_set {
  %atb_text1 = Here is my new text1
  %atb_text2 = Here is my new text2
  %atb_text3 = Here is my new text3

NOTE (IMPORTANT): In file atb_reason.txt i have 10 reasons from 1 to 10. If kick with random reasons from file atb_reason.txt: Example: if reason kick is reason2 and [id: randomnumber, example [id: 1234]] then next time auto kick with reason2 and [id: oldnumber 1234]. I thinks you make a code to save and remember ReasonKick and id number is the best way i guess :P

Yes, this can be added to save in the database.

5. (New idea) If i type command: !b <Nickname> <reason> (Example: !b ChatNick Hello how are you today?) then MyBot will ban ip/host and kick with reason: Hello how are you today? [id: randomNumber,Ex:1234]. Next time this Ip/host rejoin room will be kicked with older reason anf kick id: Hello how are you today? [id: 1234]

Yes, this can also be added to this team. In addition, I think it will be necessary to additionally record the #Channel itself in the database in the line along with the nick.

6. Can you write code to check On Nick event.If Nick change ip/host then join room,and when change the Nick of kick above (the older Nick has been kick/ban before) will be banned ip/host and kicked with OlderReason and Older id number is: Hello how are you today? [id: 1234]

Yes, this will be logical. I will add event handler "on NICK" to check the changes in the nicknames.

Okay, I will make all these changes in the code, taking into considering your remarks and new proposals.

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