Dear Epic, i have an idea for you to make code :P

1. When Admin type command: !b <NickName> in every channels Bot have Op, then MyBot will banned IP/HOST (default $address 2) and kicked that NickName with RANDOM REASON on file text atb_reason.txt AND AUTO SAVE [id: number]; NickName; IP/HOST and REASONKICK like this in atb_database.txt file text:

Line1: [id: number],NickName,*!*@IP/HOST,ReasonKick <==== If this NickName or IP/HOST join myroom will be kicked and banned with this ReasonKick and [id: number] in atb_database.txt.

Line2: similar above.....

2. I have already to make some commands to add blacklisted user to atb_database.txt with syntax:

a) Add Auto ban command: !badd [id: number],NickName,*!*@IP/HOST,ReasonKick

Example: !badd [id: 5864],BlackNick,*!*@,You are bad chatter not welcome here

b)Del Auto ban: !bdel [id: number],NickName,*!*@IP/HOST,ReasonKick or !bdel NumberWantToDeleted

Example: + !bdel [id: 5864],BlackNick,*!*@,You are bad chatter not welcome here
OR + !bdel 2

c) List Auto ban: !blist <== then MyBot will list all of auto ban blacklisted in atb_database.txt to channel

Send you for reference and for the purpose of writing code is more convenient and correct for me. Thanks Epic so much! You are so kind and wonderful