For as long as I can remeber I have been using a script to hide the status windows on the switchbar, the script also adds a right click context menu to 'toggle' the them back into display if i need them however due to the most recent update:

Update 07/05/2021 - mIRC v7.65

20.Changed /window -h to not hide Status Windows in treebar,
switchbar, and window menu, as these are root windows for all
other windows on that connection.

You can no longer apparntly hide these windows that 99.9% of the time I dont need or want to see on the switch bar, does anyone know of a work around to return my switchbar to a more presentable order please?

on 1:CONNECT: {
  /window -h "Status Window"
  /unset %stoggle

menu status,channel,query,nicklist {
  .Whois:/whois $$1
  .Query:/query $$1

alias -l toggle {
  var %i 1

  if (%stoggle) {
    while (%i <= $scon(0)) {
      /scon %i window -h "Status Window"
      inc %i
    /unset %stoggle
  else {
    while (%i <= $scon(0)) {
      /scon %i window -w "Status Window"
      inc %i
    /set %stoggle 1