Regarding this idea, it's like an add-on, which by default can be without buttons at all, and the panel can be hidden until someone wants to enable it and fix their buttons there to expand the functionality. And I am interested in a specifically docked panel so that it is in the same place when the client's main window is moved, which is difficult to achieve in the case of a separate popup. The "ToolBar" also does not hide anywhere and does not bother anyone. In addition, now almost all homes have large monitors and have a resolution of at least 1920x1080px. I don't think this panel will take up much space.

The essence of the idea is not only to add the standard text styling functions there, but maybe someone will have their own ideas of what to implement on this button bar. For example, it can be sending images via sockets, DCC, or a pop-up window for choosing emoticons, or something else that would be more convenient to place there exactly in this place. Experienced scripters will find exactly what to do in this panel.

In addition, some users, for one reason or another, find it inconvenient or difficult to memorize and type numerous commands, and not everyone is comfortable calling something through hotkeys if it is possible to use ready-made options, simply by making a convenient button, and do everything in one click.

In the end eventually, unfortunately, a conservative will never understand an innovator. I am for the freedom of expression when creating a message in your own style. This gives people a sea of joy and with colorful butterflies in their hearts. But if some channel has very evil admins and strict restrictions on the manifestation of their style in messages, then the user always has a choice to leave this channel and go to a place where there is more freedom to show your individualism. In any case, what IRC allows cannot be prohibited. This is already a problem for those who impose such restrictions. But if this is very annoying, then you can always personally disable the reception of all style codes in messages from users for yourself.

The personal preferences of channel administrators and their mood should in no way affect the advanced functionality and development of the mIRC client, and vice versa.

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