Since I couldn't get mIRC's default one to popup, I scratched together an @window version to mimic mIRC's color choice when you press ctrl+k

This uses a hotkey for now, since I can't figure out how to detect a positional change (which editbox has focus)

So assuming you've set these options for a channel window (right clicking in the treebar of a channel window and chosing the option "Edit Box.."):

[Linked Image from]

NOTE! I should've checked the bottom two, set as default and use default....

this script should work for you with the 2nd editbox:

alias F10 { if ($window($active).type == channel) { ColorPicker } }
on *:ACTIVE:*:{ if ($lactive == @ColorPicker) { window -c @ColorPicker } }
on *:APPACTIVE: { if ($window(@ColorPicker)) { window -c @ColorPicker } }
menu @ColorPicker {
  sclick {
    var %x = $mouse.x , %y = $mouse.y
    if ($inrect(%x,%y,6,6,182,43)) {
      var %x = $calc((%x - 6) // 23) , %y = $calc((%y - 6) // 23)
      editbox -of1 $window(@ColorPicker).title $chr(3) $+ $base($calc(%x + %y * 8),10,10,2)
      window -c @ColorPicker
    elseif ($inrect(%x,%y,6,52,274,158)) {
      var %x = $calc((%x - 6) // 23) , %y = $calc((%y - 52) // 23)
      editbox -of1 $window(@ColorPicker).title $chr(3) $+ $base($calc(%x + %y * 12 + 16),10,10,2)
      window -c @ColorPicker
alias -l ColorPicker {
  var %ox = $window(-2).x , %oy = $window(-2).y , %aw = $active
  window -dp +b @ColorPicker $calc($window($active).dx + 9) $calc($window($active).dy + $window($active).dh - 219) 289 219
  titlebar @ColorPicker %aw
  drawrect -f @ColorPicker 99 1 0 0 289 219
  var %x = 6 , %y = 6 , %z = 0
  while (%z <= 15) {
    var %a = $calc(%z % 8) , %b = $calc(%z // 8)
    drawrect -f @ColorPicker %z 1 $calc(%x + 23 * %a) $calc(%y + 23 * %b) 21 20
    drawrect  @ColorPicker 14 1 $calc(%x + 23 * %a) $calc(%y + 23 * %b) 21 20
    inc %z
  var %x = 6 , %y = 52 , %z = 16
  while (%z <= 98) {
    var %a = $calc((%z - 16) % 12) , %b = $calc((%z - 16) // 12)
    drawrect -f @ColorPicker %z 1 $calc(%x + 23 * %a) $calc(%y + 23 * %b) 21 20
    drawrect  @ColorPicker 14 1 $calc(%x + 23 * %a) $calc(%y + 23 * %b) 21 20
    inc %z

If you have the 2nd editbox enabled, just hit f10, you'll get a color choice box, click a color and it'll automatically apply ctrl+k(color) to that editbox, and just type away, then hit enter. You will perform the /me with whatever you typed in the box.

Side note: if you don't want a color, just shift+tab over to that other editbox or click into it with your mouse, type away and hit enter, it also will just perform /me (whatever you typed)

Here's a screenshot: sorry I have my borders to black so you can't really see my 2nd editbox.

[Linked Image from]

Last edited by Talon; 11/11/20 11:54 PM.