I agree that everyone uses their own methods and knowledge of how best to write scripting code for the mIRC client.
Better yet, exchange experiences regularly and practice constantly to improve your skills. cool
Here is my version of the code. I wrote a script specially for you that you might find useful to make this command easier to use.

The dialog box will open as soon as you press the "F9" button. (You can change this to a more convenient button in the alias name).
The script can count the number of typed characters in the text, allows you to choose the color and type of message. If you need to change or add anything to this script, please notify.

    [Linked Image from i.ibb.co]

This code must be inserted into the script editor. To do this, press the key combination "ALT+R":
#   Name: MeMessage v1.0
#   Description: Dialog box for managing and sending "/ME" messages.
#   Author: Epic
#   Email: epicnet@mail.ru
#   Site: http://epicnet.ru

alias F9 {
  if (!$dialog(me)) {
    unset %me_chars %me_mess | .dialog -mp me me | .dialog -r me
    me_colors me 5 | if (%me_colors) .did -c me 5 %me_colors
    me_select me 6 | if (%me_select) .did -c me 6 %me_select | else .did -c me 6 1
  else .dialog -x me
dialog me {
  title "MeMessage"
  size -1 -1 300 235
  option pixels
  edit "", 1, 10 10 280 130, multi autovs, limit 900
  text "Chars:", 2, 40 155 30 20, nowrap
  edit "0", 3, 77 152 30 21, read rich right, limit 4
  text "Colors:", 4, 135 155 40 20, nowrap
  combo 5, 175 151 83 20, drop
  combo 6, 40 191 65 20, drop
  button "Send message ➤", 10, 115 190 145 23
on *:DIALOG:me:edit:1: unset %me_chars | var %q 1 | while (%q <= $did($dname,$did).lines) { %me_chars = $calc(%me_chars + $did($dname,$did,%q).len) | inc %q } | .did -o $dname 3 1 %me_chars
on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:5: %me_colors = $did($dname,$did).sel
on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:6: %me_select = $did($dname,$did).sel
alias -l me_colors { .did -a $1 $2 white [00] | .did -a $1 $2 black [01] | .did -a $1 $2 d.blue [02] | .did -a $1 $2 green [03] | .did -a $1 $2 red [04] | .did -a $1 $2 brown [05] | .did -a $1 $2 purple [06] | .did -a $1 $2 orange [07] | .did -a $1 $2 yellow [08] | .did -a $1 $2 l.green [09] | .did -a $1 $2 sea [10] | .did -a $1 $2 n.blue [11] | .did -a $1 $2 blue [12] | .did -a $1 $2 pink [13] | .did -a $1 $2 gray [14] | .did -a $1 $2 l.gray [15] }
alias -l me_select { .did -a $1 $2 /me | .did -a $1 $2 /ame | .did -a $1 $2 /qme }
on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:10:{
  unset %me_mess | var %q 1 | while (%q <= $did($dname,1).lines) { %me_mess = %me_mess $did($dname,1,%q).text | inc %q }
  if (%me_colors) { var %me_col $calc(%me_colors -1) | if ($len(%me_col) == 1) var %me_col $+($chr(3),0,%me_col) | else var %me_col $+($chr(3),%me_col) }
  if (%me_chars > 0) .editbox -an $did($dname,6,0).text $+(%me_col,%me_mess)
  else .echo -a :: Please enter your text ➤

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