I wasn't able to reproduce the issue using /parseline either.

Here's how you can reproduce the issue on a fresh mIRC install:

alias start {
  server -f irc.chat.twitch.tv +6697 blah -i $+(justinfan,$rand(0,9),$rand(0,9),$rand(0,9),$rand(0,9),$rand(0,9),$rand(0,9))
  server -fm irc.chat.twitch.tv +6697 oauth:zbfeqk3n6tsyw60q7ssd40i1f0531r -i mirctest

on *:CONNECT:{
  if ($me != mirctest) {
    debug @debug
    raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/tags
    join #mirctest

alias test { scon 2 msg #mirctest $str($+(<3,$chr(32)),130) }

alias test2 { scon 2 msg #mirctest $str($+(<3,$chr(32)),90) }

alias test3 { scon 2 msg #mirctest $str($+(<3,$chr(32)),40) }

  • Type /start to connect.
  • Type /test to receive a message that truncates in the middle of the message tags (doesn't even get to the PRIVMSG command).
  • Type /test2 to receive a message that truncates in the middle of the message text.
  • Type /test3 to receive a normal message (no truncation).

Note that this script uses an oauth token to authenticate to a Twitch account named mirctest (created exclusively for this purpose) so that it can send messages. The first connection can only receive messages.

Last edited by drum; 10/07/20 02:55 AM.