on *:kick:#: {
  if (You have been kicked isin $1-) {

    ;Stores the kick reason in %reason variable
    set -l %reason $1-

    ;Takes the last line from the log and tokenizes it
    tokenize 32 $line(@kick,$line(@kick,0))

    ;#1 Checks if the time between the last event and current time is less than 10 seconds
    ;#2 checks if knick is same as last time
    ;#3 checks if nick is same as last time
    if ($calc($ctime -$ctime($1-5)) < 10) && ($6 == $knick) && ($12 == $nick) {

      ;Replaces the last line with a new line that contains the new channel name (#chan1,#chan2,#chan3...)
      rline @kick $line(@kick,0) $fulldate $knick was kicked from $10 $+ , $+ # by $nick reason: %reason
    else {

      ;Normal new line
      aline @kick $fulldate $knick was kicked from # by $nick reason: %reason

Didn't test it, but it should work.

Last edited by Dazuz; 12/12/18 09:05 PM. Reason: Brainfart