on *:kick:{
  if (you have been kicked isin $1-) && (!$($+(%,kick.,$cid,$knick),2)) { 
    inc -u5 $+(%,kick.,$cid,$knick) 
    echo @kick $fulldate $knick was kicked from $chan by $nick reason: $1-

This will still show a message for each network. If you’d rather make it so only one message appears altogether, just get rid of the $cid so the code becomes:

on *:kick:{
  if (you have been kicked isin $1-) && (!$($+(%,kick.,$knick),2)) { 
    inc -u5 $+(%,kick.,$knick) 
    echo @kick $fulldate $knick was kicked from $chan by $nick reason: $1-

This works by setting a temporary variable when someone is kicked and their nickname is included in the name of the variable. It checks if a variable already exists. If it does, that means they have been kicked in the last five seconds and it won’t display another message. It then sets a variable for five seconds so that the code won’t trigger again until the variable unseats.