westor: I'm not sure what the scripting options are available to remove them, without halting the default notices and echoing my own, which come with clear disadvantages.

Why would anyone want to preserve the line separator between two successive notices from the same sender? The linesep could be added if the sender's name changes, or when some different data needs to be printed to the status window. We enjoy /motd and /whois and other large outputs without them being interlaced, and while technically different, I don't believe each individual /notice needs to be encapsulated between seps.

On a slightly separate(pun) topic, it might also be really cool to timestamp all the error messages that are currently not timestamped in the status window. It seems to be willy nilly which messages get timestamps and which do not. It'd be nice to know exactly when an error occurred.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!