Do we want line separators between successive notices within the Status Window?
Or should they be removed if a series of notices come from the same person or bot?
(That is, don't add a line separator until something different happens.)

Yes, keep the poor line separators. We've had the forever!

No, get rid of them! They make my status window so messy!!

[12:34] -NickServ- ***** NickServ Help *****
[12:34] -NickServ- NickServ allows users to 'register' a nickname, and stop
[12:34] -NickServ- others from using that nick. NickServ allows the owner of a
[12:34] -NickServ- nickname to disconnect a user from the network that is using
[12:34] -NickServ- their nickname.
[12:34] -NickServ-  
[12:34] -NickServ- For more information on a command, type:
[12:34] -NickServ- /msg NickServ help <command>
[12:34] -NickServ- For a verbose listing of all commands, type:
[12:34] -NickServ- /msg NickServ help commands
[12:34] -NickServ-  
[12:34] -NickServ- The following commands are available:
[12:34] -NickServ- GHOST           Reclaims use of a nickname.
[12:34] -NickServ- GROUP           Adds a nickname to your account.
[12:34] -NickServ- IDENTIFY        Identifies to services for a nickname.
[12:34] -NickServ- INFO            Displays information on registrations.
[12:34] -NickServ- LISTCHANS       Lists channels that you have access to.
[12:34] -NickServ- REGISTER        Registers a nickname.
[12:34] -NickServ- RELEASE         Releases a services enforcer.
[12:34] -NickServ- SENDPASS        Email registration passwords.
[12:34] -NickServ- SET             Sets various control flags.
[12:34] -NickServ- UNGROUP         Removes a nickname from your account.
[12:34] -NickServ-  
[12:34] -NickServ- Other commands: ACC, ACCESS, CERT, DROP, HELP, LISTLOGINS, 
[12:34] -NickServ-                 LISTOWNMAIL, LOGOUT, REGAIN, SETPASS, STATUS, 
[12:34] -NickServ-                 TAXONOMY, VACATION, VERIFY
[12:34] -NickServ- ***** End of Help *****

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!