Originally Posted By: Wims
He is talking about the root item in the treebar auto expanding in some cases when the item is collapsed.
There's no way to halt the handling of the treebar in these situation however, the question is, in which case does the item in the treebar auto expand when it's collapsed?

@OP: what do you mean by "if you focus on anything in it."?

Thank you for sort my bad english out, lets say your are on EFnet/ChatSpike/QuakeNET/freenode and you have 20 channels for every network you are in.

You have 4 windows from eatch network open so you only see one channel per network.

All the networks channels are collapsed as i don´t have to see them, but if i click on the window for the channel "freenode" as an example it will out expand every channel for "freenode" and i can´t really don´t understand why it works this way

Maybe this short video clear out the things more, https://youtu.be/uafAMkyBQJM

Last edited by antonstarlid; 22/04/18 08:44 AM.