Better Onpoly test! Now with a legend to represent the colors. Demonstrates Native vs mSL. Tries native 1st, then mSL 2nd if native fails.

You don't want to see the mSL version colors. this is native failing on a condition that should've been true, caught by the mSL version.

menu @OnPolyTest {
  mouse {
    var %hw = $window($active).dw / 2 , %hh = $window($active).dh / 2
    var %x = $mouse.x - %hw , %y = $mouse.y - %hh

    tokenize 32 $window($active).title
    var %Poly = $1 , %Mouse = $2

    var %Polygon = $OPT.TranslatePolygon($OPT.Polygons(%Poly),0,0,0,2) , %P44 = $regsubex(%Polygon,/\s/g,$chr(44))
    var %PolyClosed = %Polygon $gettok(%Polygon,1-2,32)
    var %PCount = $numtok(%Polygon,32) , %Points = %PCount / 2    

    var %Cursor = $OPT.TranslatePolygon($OPT.Polygons(%Mouse),0,%x,%y,2) , %C44 = $regsubex(%Cursor,/\s/g,$chr(44))
    var %CCount = $numtok(%Cursor,32) , %CPoints = %CCount / 2    

    var %a = $onpoly(%CPoints,%Points, [ %C44 ] , [ %P44 ] ) , %b = $mslonpoly(%CPoints,%Points, [ %C44 ] , [ %P44 ] )

    ;==== Test #1

    if (%a || %b) {
      drawtext -n $active 0 0 0 *** Bounding Box on polygon
      var %np = $OPT.TranslatePolygon(%Polygon,0,%hw,%hh)
      drawline -n @OnpolyTest $iif(%a,7,8) 1 %np $gettok(%np,1-2,32)

      var %c = 1 , %d = 4
      while (%c <= %PCount) {
        var %Seg = $gettok(%PolyClosed,$+(%c,-,%d),32)
        tokenize 32 %Seg

        ;==== Test #2

        if ($onpoly(%CPoints,2, [ %C44 ] , [ $regsubex($1-,/\s/g,$chr(44)) ] )) { drawline -n @OnPolyTest 4 1 $regsubex($1-,/([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/g,$calc(\1 + %hw) $calc(\2 + %hh)) }
        elseif ($mslonpoly(%CPoints,2, [ %C44 ] , [ $regsubex($1-,/\s/g,$chr(44)) ] )) { drawline -n @OnPolyTest 13 4 $regsubex($1-,/([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/g,$calc(\1 + %hw) $calc(\2 + %hh)) }

        ;==== Test #3

        if ($inpoly($1,$2, [ %C44 ] )) { drawdot -n @OnPolyTest 3 4 $calc($1 + %hw) $calc($2 + %hh) }
        elseif ($mslinpoly($1,$2, [ %C44 ] )) { drawdot -n @OnPolyTest 11 4 $calc($1 + %hw) $calc($2 + %hh) }
        if ($inpoly($3,$4, [ %C44 ] )) { drawdot -n @OnPolyTest 3 4 $calc($3 + %hw) $calc($4 + %hh) }
        elseif ($mslinpoly($3,$4, [ %C44 ] )) { drawdot -n @OnPolyTest 11 4 $calc($3 + %hw) $calc($4 + %hh) }

        var %c = %c + 2 , %d = %d + 2
    drawdot @OnPolyTest
  .Box:opt.changepoly 1 box
  .largeRock1:opt.changepoly 1 largeRock1
  .largeRock2:opt.changepoly 1 largeRock2
  .largeRock3:opt.changepoly 1 largeRock3
  .medRock1:opt.changepoly 1 medRock1
  .medRock2:opt.changepoly 1 medRock2
  .medRock3:opt.changepoly 1 medRock3
  .smallRock1:opt.changepoly 1 smallRock1
  .smallRock2:opt.changepoly 1 smallRock2
  .smallRock3:opt.changepoly 1 smallRock3
  .line:opt.changepoly 2 line
  .Box:opt.changepoly 2 box
  .largeRock1:opt.changepoly 2 largeRock1
  .largeRock2:opt.changepoly 2 largeRock2
  .largeRock3:opt.changepoly 2 largeRock3
  .medRock1:opt.changepoly 2 medRock1
  .medRock2:opt.changepoly 2 medRock2
  .medRock3:opt.changepoly 2 medRock3
  .smallRock1:opt.changepoly 2 smallRock1
  .smallRock2:opt.changepoly 2 smallRock2
  .smallRock3:opt.changepoly 2 smallRock3
alias onpolytest {
  if (!$window(@OnPolyTest)) { 
    window -dpf @OnPolyTest -1 -1 640 480 
    titlebar @OnPolyTest largeRock1 box
  tokenize 32 $window(@OnPolyTest).title
  var %Poly = $1 , %Mouse = $2
  var %w = $window(@OnPolyTest).dw , %h = $window(@OnPolyTest).dh , %hw = %w / 2 , %hh = %h / 2
  drawrect -nf @OnPolytest 1 1 0 0 %w %h
  drawtext -np @OnPolyTest 0 0 20 Native: 7Onpoly 4LineSeg onpoly 3Point Inpoly
  drawtext -np @OnPolyTest 0 0 40 $str($chr(140),2) mSL: 8Onpoly 13LineSeg onpoly 11Point Inpoly

  var %Poly = $OPT.TranslatePolygon($OPT.Polygons(%Poly),0,%hw,%hh,2)
  drawline -n @OnpolyTest 0 1 %poly $gettok(%poly,1-2,32)

  var %poly = $OPT.TranslatePolygon($OPT.Polygons(%Mouse),0,$Mouse.x,$Mouse.y,2)
  drawline -n @OnpolyTest 0 1 %poly $gettok(%poly,1-2,32)
  drawtext -np @OnPolyTest 0 0 400 #1. Is MousePoly on the other? (7O,8Y)
  drawtext -np @OnPolyTest 0 0 420 #2. Any polygon linesegs on the mouse poly? (4R,13M)
  drawtext -np @OnPolyTest 0 0 440 #3. Either lineseg point inside the mouse poly? (3G,11B)

  if ($show) { drawdot @OnPolyTest }
alias -l OPT.changepoly {
  var %target = $1 , %val = $2
  tokenize 32 $window(@OnPolyTest).title
  var %Poly = $1 , %Mouse = $2
  if (%target = 1) { %Poly = %val }
  else { %Mouse = %val }
  titlebar @OnPolyTest %Poly %Mouse
alias -l OPT.Polygons {
  if ($1 = line) { return -10 0 10 0 }
  if ($1 = box) { return -10 -10 10 -10 10 10 -10 10 }
  if ($1 = largeRock1) { return -39 -25 -33 -8 -38 21 -23 25 -13 39 24 34 38 7 33 -15 38 -31 16 -39 -4 -34 -16 -39 }
  if ($1 = largeRock2) { return -32 35 -4 32 24 38 38 23 31 -4 38 -25 14 -39 -28 -31 -39 -16 -31 4 -38 22 }
  if ($1 = largeRock3) { return 12 -39 -2 -26 -28 -37 -38 -14 -21 9 -34 34 -6 38 35 23 21 -14 36 -25 }
  if ($1 = medRock1) { return -7 -19 -19 -15 -12 -5 -19 0 -19 13 -9 19 12 16 18 11 13 6 19 -1 16 -17 }
  if ($1 = medRock2) { return 9 -19 18 -8 7 0 15 15 -7 13 -16 17 -18 3 -13 -6 -16 -17 }
  if ($1 = medRock3) { return 2 18 18 10 8 0 18 -13 6 -18 -17 -14 -10 -3 -13 15 }
  if ($1 = smallRock1) { return -8 -8 -5 -1 -8 3 0 9 8 4 8 -5 1 -9 }     
  if ($1 = smallRock2) { return -6 8 1 4 8 7 10 -1 4 -10 -8 -6 -4 0 }
  if ($1 = smallRock3) { return -8 -9 -5 -2 -8 5 6 8 9 6 7 -3 9 -9 0 -7 }
alias -l OPT.TranslatePolygon {  
  var %dx = $cos($2).deg , %dy = $sin($2).deg , %ox = $3 , %oy = $4 , %scale = $iif($5,$5,1)
  return $regsubex($1,/([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/g,$calc(((\1 * %dx + \2 * (%dy * -1)) * %scale) + %ox) $calc(((\1 * %dy + \2 * %dx) * %scale) + %oy))

alias MslInPoly {
  ;=== setup variables and complete polygon
  var %cn = 0 , %x = $1 , %y = $2 , %size = $0 , %poly = $3- $3-4

  if (%size > 2) { 
    var %i = 0 , %j = %size - 2
    while (%i < %j) {
      var %ax = $gettok(%poly,$calc(%i + 1),32) , %ay = $gettok(%poly,$calc(%i + 2),32) , %bx = $gettok(%poly,$calc(%i + 3),32) , %by = $gettok(%poly,$calc(%i + 4),32)

      ;=== Condition1 = Upward Crossing, Condition2 = downward crossing
      if (%ay <= %y && %by > %y) || (%ay > %y && %by <= %y) { 

        ;=== Compute the actual edge-ray intersect x-coordinage
        var %vt = $calc((%y - %ay) / (%by - %ay))

        ;=== Test for valid crossing
        if (%x < $calc(%ax + %vt * (%bx - %ax))) { inc %cn } 

      inc %i 2
  var %cn = $and(%cn,1)
  if (%cn > 0) { return $true }

alias MslOnPoly {
  ;=== Setup variables
  var %s1 = $1 , %s2 = $2 , %p1e = $1 * 2 , %p1 = $gettok($3-,$+(1-,%p1e),32) , %p2 = $gettok($3-,$+($calc(%p1e + 1),-),32)

  ;=== Early escape test, if either polygon is fully contained in the other, any and every point will be inside the other
  var %p1x = $gettok(%p1,1,32) , %p1y = $gettok(%p1,2,32) , %p2x = $gettok(%p2,1,32) , %p2y = $gettok(%p2,2,32)
  if ($mslInPoly(%p1x,%p1y, [ $regsubex(%p2,/ /g,$chr(44)) ] ) || $mSLInPoly(%p2x,%p2y, [ $regsubex(%p1,/ /g,$chr(44)) ] )) { return $true }

  ;=== Complete the polygons
  var %p1 = %p1 $gettok(%p1,1-2,32) , %p2 = %p2 $gettok(%p2,1-2,32)

  ;=== Else: Iterate line segments and check for intersection
  var %i = 0
  while ($calc(%i / 2) < %s1) {
    var %p1ax = $gettok(%p1,$calc(%i + 1),32) , %p1ay = $gettok(%p1,$calc(%i + 2),32)
    var %p1bx = $gettok(%p1,$calc(%i + 3),32) , %p1by = $gettok(%p1,$calc(%i + 4),32)
    var %j = 0
    while ($calc(%j / 2) < %s2) {
      var %p2ax = $gettok(%p2,$calc(%j + 1),32) , %p2ay = $gettok(%p2,$calc(%j + 2),32)
      var %p2bx = $gettok(%p2,$calc(%j + 3),32) , %p2by = $gettok(%p2,$calc(%j + 4),32)

      ;=== LineSeg to LineSeg intersection test
      if ($intersect(%p1ax,%p1ay,%p1bx,%p1by,%p2ax,%p2ay,%p2bx,%p2by,ll)) { return $true }
      inc %j 2
    inc %i 2