Hello! I'm a registered mIRC user, and wanted to say thanks for your continued work!

I just got a new laptop, and mIRC.exe continues to disappear. I know if it disappears, it's getting deleted by *something*. But I can't for the life of me figure out what.

I run ZoneAlarm Pro + Firewall and Malwarebytes Premium, BUT I have put exceptions in for mIRC.exe AND the Program Files folder and AppData folder for it in BOTH security softwares. On our other laptop, we run the exact same security software with the exact same exceptions, but mIRC doesn't disappear like this. There are NO other anti-viruses or anti-malware products on this laptop.

Neither ZoneAlarm or Malwarebytes is even reporting it as a virus/malware/whatever. I'm about to pull my hair out.

Please help!