I have just tested them together and they seem to work fine. The -s switch allows you to play to a status window while offline, and the -a switch allows you to use an alias.
The -s switch allow you to execute command to the status window while offline according to the help file and it's doing that fine when used alone.
/play -as is not executing command to the status window so I would like clarification as to how these two switches used together "seems to work fine" for you, the behavior resulting from the -as combination does not make any sense (either you want to execute command from the file to the status window while offline, or you want to pass the line to an alias, both just does not make any sense) and isn't described in the help file.
Offline, "/play -a echo test" where 'echo' is the alias being executed and 'test' is a filename with content in it, results in an error, but with the -s switch, it's acting like a vip pass and allows you to basically execute "/play -a echo test" while offline, I think this was not intended and is a bug. /play -as is not a meaningful combination imo and should report an error, I doubt many users would see this as a nice trick, it does not achieve much.

Some others /play's related issues:

//play -etoptions mirc.ini $active
use 0ms as the delay instead of the default 1000ms

/play -eb "status window"
Offline, results in
/msg "status <clipboard content>
If this is meant to be supported then the help file is wrong saying that we must be connected for /play to work without the -m switch. Also, shouldn't it display the full "status window" parameter instead of just "status ? Also, uses 0ms instead of 1000ms.

/play -seb "status window"
also uses 0ms instead of 1000ms.
Note that this combination of switches is also buggy imo. Here -s is still not executing command, it's acting like a vip pass again, except this time it's somewhat useful to display some content locally to the status window, as it is (-as is adding the name of the output window), using /play. Practically speaking this shouldn't be used often and may report an error just like -as, but at least it makes sense.

/play -seb
if executed in a status window, shouldn't/couldn't it guess that the output is the status window, instead of returning an error?

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