After further testing, it would appear that the -n switch is the culprit here. I don't know why it allows the default message to take place, that seems to be the bugsee below

But I feel this relates to the usage of -n either being bugged itself, or poorly explained in the helpfile

"-n = add a CRLF to the end of the line if it does not have one." Is it needed for text inputs or bvars only? Or only when we are queuing a new message, etc etc

The original report is correct aswell, parseline + mode changes is bugged, both trigger rawmode/mode/status-mode events AND display the default mIRC even if halted:
/.parseline -tiqp :test!test@test MODE ##mirc -v foobar
/.parseline -tiqpn :test!test@test MODE ##mirc -v foobar

All questions listed here have been raised and answered in this thread

Some of this information, many of us feel, should be in the help file

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 28/07/17 05:25 PM.

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