A few things, it looks like the JSON part of your script is written for SReject's older JSONForMirc. You should really write it for use with the new format, as compatibility will eventually be broken for it. I did a quick edit of your script and changed it to the new format.

You could have just used the $twitch_name alias to check to see if the user is valid. However, since you're already polling the API once to get the created_at date, you might as well also use that as your validity check and get the display_name from that alias and use it in your command (so if you type "!created predatorfusion" the bot will reply with "Predatorfusion" instead of the lower case version). It's a pet peeve of mine to see all lowercase characters for all user's names lol.

To do all that, I made the %result that the twitch_accountage alias returns to be "username created at date" (example: Blasman13 2 years, and 1 week). Then in your !created command I made the validity check to see if the twitch_accountage actually returned any data, if it did NOT, then the "user is not valid" message is displayed. If the user IS valid, then the command gets the first token from the %result which is the persons name, and then gets the second token and everything after it, which is the length of time.

on *:TEXT:!created*:#: {
  if ($$0 == 2) { 
    if ($twitch_accountage($2)) msg # The account $gettok($v1,1,32) was created $gettok($v1,2-,32) ago.
    else msg # $2 is not a valid user on Twitch.
  else { msg # $nick your account was created $gettok($twitch_accountage($nick),2-,32) ago. } 
alias twitch_accountage {
  var %result
  JSONOpen -uw accountage https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/ $+ $$1
  JSONHttpHeader accountage Client-ID e8e68mu4x2sxsewuw6w82wpfuyprrdx
  JSONHttpFetch accountage
  if (!$JSONError) {
    %result = $TwitchTime($JSON(accountage, created_at).value)
    if (%result) %result = $DateXpander($calc($ctime - %result))
    if (%result) %result = $JSON(accountage, display_name).value %result
  JSONClose accountage
  return %result