i got it to work now restarted my mIRC and it started to work, thanks for the help tho and was wondering i have this twitch account created script and im using datexpander with it and when its an invalid user it says 47years ago and i dk how id get it to say invalid user instead [code][/code]on *:TEXT:!created*:#: {
if ($$0 == 2) { msg # The account $2 was created $DateXpander($twitch_accountage($2)) ago. }
else { msg # $nick your account was created $DateXpander($twitch_accountage($nick)) ago. }
alias twitch_accountage {
var %result
JSONOpen -uw accountage https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/ $+ $$1
JSONUrlHeader accountage Client-ID e8e68mu4x2sxsewuw6w82wpfuyprrdx
JSONUrlGet accountage
if (!$JSONError) {
%result = $TwitchTime($JSON(accountage, created_at))
%result = $calc($ctime - %result)
JSONClose accountage
return %result

i have it set so it can be used to check a name put after the command or uses the users nick when they use the command without text after it