Can these new marks be used with regular $ial() and with $ialchan() ?

$ialmark() is used to access the mark list that you create for each $ial() nickname.

$ialmark(Raccoon,server) == server (redundant? expected implied .value, same as $hget()?)

This allows you to check if it exists.

$ialmark(Raccoon) == server (odd.)

This returns the first mark, N = 1, which is how most identifiers work if no N is specified.

I can't find a specific use case for the $ialmark().mark property since it is always implied.

It is there for completeness.

The $ialmark().value property could be useful if a mark name is itself a numeric value.

The $ialmark() design precludes mark names that are numbers since there needs to be a way to iterate using N.

That said, the property names are definitely not right, ie. for consistency, $ialmark() should be using ".name" to match /ialmark -n [name] and ".mark" to return the mark value, same as $ial().mark. This will be in the next beta.