Dear Khaled,

I have a lot of want for added features to the IAL, but there is one very small feature that would make a world of difference, I think. Exposing a unique ID for each IAL entry so they can be referenced via hash table and variables. If someone disappears and reappears from the IAL, they'd naturally acquire a new IAL().ID. These IDs should be unique across all $cid's and should not be recycled until mIRC closes.

I understand that information can be stored against the IAL via /ialmark, but this is the only such slot for storing information and it's easily destroyed and conflicted by other scripts.

My feature creep extra request would be the ability to store multiple named ialmarks, via /ialmark <nick|@ID> <item> <text> or a newly named command (though IAL IDs would help with hashtable entries). $ial(@ID) might retrieve records across CIDs the same way @$wid does for $window() commands.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!