For whispers, you'll only need mTwitch.Core.mrc

It *does* attempt to get a list of ips/servers but if that fails it falls back to testing against known twitch servers such as:,,,

Secondly, the requirements for those scripts is using mIRC v7.43 or later and having my JSON parser loaded.


If instead you JUST want the whisper support you can use the following code; again, you'll need mIRC v7.43 or later. (pulled straight from mTwitch.Core.mrc and slightly edited to use literal server matching)

;; Converts incoming twitch whispers to private queries
;; Use on TEXT(/help on TEXT) or on OPEN(/help on OPEN) events to handle the event
on $*:PARSELINE:in:/^((@\S+ )?)(\x3A[^!@ ]+![^@ ]+@\S+) WHISPER (\S+) (\x3A.*)/i:{
  var %Count  = $regml(0)
  var %Tags   = $regml($calc(%Count -3))
  var %User   = $regml($calc(%Count -2))
  var %Target = $regml($calc(%Count -1))
  var %Msg    = $regml(%Count)
  if ($regex($server, /^(tmi|irc)\.(chat\.)?twitch\.tv$/i) && $me == %target) {
    .parseline -it
    .parseline -itqp %Tags %User PRIVMSG $me %Msg

;; Converts outbound private queries into twitch whispers
on $*:PARSELINE:out:/^PRIVMSG ([^#]\S*) \x3A(.+)$/i:{
  var %Target = $regml(1)
  var %Msg    = $regml(2)
  if ($regex($server, /^(tmi|irc)\.(chat\.)?twitch\.tv$/i)) {
    .parseline -otn PRIVMSG jtv :/w $lower(%Target) %Msg

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 23/06/16 07:07 AM.

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My Stuff