I have checked through previous posts both here and on twitch but no success. None say what I need to know.

My client receives whispers but they only appear in the debug.log as something like:

<- @badges=;color=#FF4500;display-name=IndieBob;emotes=;message-id=70;thread-id=52103932_102974315;turbo=0;user-id=52103932;user-type= :indiebob!indiebob@indiebob.tmi.twitch.tv WHISPER robonicorn :I am whispering you buddy!

Where indiebob is the sending user name and robonicorn the mirc client name.

I can't work how I intercept these messages with an mIRC script. Any suggestions?

Last edited by davethejackal; 22/06/16 10:49 PM.